Flex Quick Tip
May 13, 2010
Open FlexMLS in a New Tab using Internet Explorer

The browsers that are supported in FlexMLS are Firefox and Internet Explorer. If you have Firefox installed, this browser defaults to opening in a new tab versus a new window, by default. The following information applies to Internet Explorer.

On the new Log In screen, if a new window opens when you click on the Log In to FlexMLS button, and you would prefer it to open in a new tab, you have a few options to do this.

Option 1: Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard while left-clicking on the link.

Option 2: Using your mouse, hold down the scroll wheel (if you have one) and left click on the link.

NOTE: Options 1 & 2 will only open the link up in a new tab this one instance; if you use either of these options, you will have to do them everytime you want to open a link in a new tab instead of a new window.

Option 3: To configure Internet Explorer to open the link in a new tab automatically, use the following steps:

  1. In the Internet Explorer menu, click on Tools and then Internet Options
  2. Click on the Settings button in the Tabs section of the General tab.
  3. In the Tabbed Browsing Settings window, choose the following additional options:
    • Always switch to new tabs when they are created
    • Always open pop-ups in a new tab
    • A new tab in the current window
  4. Click The OK button.

For more information, please refer to article 194 in our Knowledgebase.

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