Flex Quick Tip
March 13, 2014
Map Searches vs. Coordinates

The ability to search and enter coordinates for listings will be eliminated from the FlexMLS system on March 17th, 2014.

What Metro MLS will be doing to help you prepare for this change:

  • Update all active automatic email events that include coordinates to a map search.
  • Members have already been notified that have active automatic email events that include coordinates.
  • Provide map training, webinars and recorded videos on how to use the map searching tools to maximize your search results.

You may be surprised to know that FlexMLS maps do not locate properties by coordinates, but by address... and addresses are more accurate and exact than coordinates.

With our map search capabilities, use of the old coordinates system is obsolete. You can narrow a search by exact geographic location; and you don't have to consult or keep track of any special coordinate maps. Best of all, no more sanctions regarding inaccurate coordinates!

You will never have to guess at coordinates again or be misdirected by inaccurate coordinates if you use the FlexMLS maps.

By using the FlexMLS map search tools instead of coordinates, you can:

  • Create a radius search from any address, geographical location or landmark. Learn more….
  • Draw a shape on a map and bring up all properties located within that area that match your search criteria. Learn more….
  • Use the Acres Overlay from the map to find acreage information. Learn more….
  • See parcel outlines including lot dimensions, flow of traffic, driving directions, and more.
  • Access parcel info about the properties, whether the properties have ever been listed in MLS or not. Learn more….
  • Achieve far greater accuracy using the map search tools.
  • See either a traditional map or satellite view of the area in which you are interested.
  • Get a bird's-eye view of an area on a map, including precise zip code areas.

Sign up today for a Maps Class.

Any questions, please call the Help Desk at 414.778.5450.

Or e-mail support@metromls.com. You may also follow our updates at http://twitter.com/metromls.