Flex Quick Tip
February 10, 2011
FlexMLS KnowledgeBase

The KnowledgeBase is a tool to help you find information on the MLS website, how features within FlexMLS work, and how to troubleshoot common issues. You can access the KnowledgeBase from www.mlswis.com; under MLS Site Navigation, click Support > KnowledgeBase. Use the keyword search to look for KnowledgeBase articles or pages that contain one or more words specified by you, the user. The search is simple: just type the subject you would like to search in the search box; hit your Enter key or click on the Search button. It will search the KnowledgeBase for articles or threads that are relevant to your query.

Guidelines for better search

  • Keep it simple. If you're looking for a particular issue, feature, or section, just enter its name.
  • Choose descriptive words. The more unique the word is the more likely you are to get relevant results.
  • Think how the article you are looking for will be written. The search engine is a program that matches the words you give it to articles in the knowledgebase.
  • Use the words that are most likely to appear in the article. For example, instead of saying ‘I cannot make email work’, say ‘manual email’, or “automatic email’ because that's the term a technical article will use.

You may also e-mail and/or print KnowledgeBase articles using the Printer Friendly Version and Send to friend links in the upper right corner of the screen within your chosen article.

Any questions, please call the Help Desk at 414.778.5450

Or e-mail support@metromls.com. You may also follow our updates at http://twitter.com/metromls.