Flex Quick Tip
October 29, 2008
More Information on the Listing Reports

You have asked that more information be included on the Listing Reports. It's here!

All the Listing Reports in FlexMLS have been updated and now include additional contact information. The private version of all reports, with the exception of the Quick 4 Report, features the listing agents' fax number, cell number, web address, and any additional address information.

This is a great opportunity to review your profile information to ensure that additional contact information is available on the Listing Reports. To do this, go to My Profile under Preferences on the main MLS menu; check to be certain that all information is correct. Begin with Quick Profile Maintenance, and then go through your phone and fax numbers, web, office, e-mail, and other addresses.

While you're in this part of the program, see if you're satisfied with your photo, since it now appears along with your contact information on the Full Report Add'l Photos and Branding in sent e-mails!

We hope you find these additions helpful.

Any questions, please call the Help Desk at 414.778.5450

Or e-mail support@metromls.com