Flex Quick Tip
February 19, 2009
How Can I Keep FlexMLS Running on a Healthy PC?

Run anti-virus (AV) software on your PC on a regular basis. AV software is computer software used to identify and remove computer viruses.


  • Install and use one AV Program and keep it updated on each PC you own.
  • Keep your AV subscription up to date; never allow your updates to laspe.
  • Run frequent and regular virus scans.
  • Have your AV running at all times (think active protection).
  • Practice safe browsing and e-mail habits.


  • Operate your PC without an active AV program.
  • Install more than one AV program on your PC at a time.
  • Allow your updates to lapse and forget to run regular scans.
  • Think AV alone will protect your PC from threats.

While AV software can protect you from many viruses, there are other forms of malware that can cause these symptoms. Follow best practices when running AV sofware, using at least two forms of anti-spyware and keep your operating system, along with other software, patched and updated. Click for more information.

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